Characteristics of Each of the Beef Breeds

There are 25 unlike breeds of cattle in Namibia and, much like rugby teams and car preference; all of them have supporters and naysayers.

The reality is that no two farms are exactly alike, then cattle producers need to know their state to decide which breeds are best suited for their environment.

Indigenous breeds are more often than not kept in communal areas, such as the Sanga (related to the Southward-African Nguni). These animals are well adapted to the harsh local environment, which is characterised by loftier temperatures, prolonged dry periods, pests and diseases. Moreover, they require minimal management, but are all the same productive.

Commercial farmers tend to go along exotic breeds, which are "loftier output" animals. These animals crave high direction since they are not tolerant to the harsh Namibian surround. The major breeds are the Afrikaner, Bonsmara, Brahman and the Simmentaler.

When you lot produce oxen, information technology is advisable to use of crossbreeds. Crossbreeding is necessary to capture the best qualities of the breeds involved. For example, some breeds mature at an early age, only they do non accept the necessary conformation and mass, while others may have both conformation and mass, merely practise not take the fatty layer required. Mixing breeds and keeping an heart on genetics helps isolate the best qualities suited to one's needs.

Brahmans, for case, tend to have the right fat layer but non e'er the correct mass and conformation.

For example, if you crossbreed a Brahman with a Simmentaler, you tend to have the right mass at an early age of well-nigh 24 months equally well.

Crossbreeding may exist used to develop animals with characteristics for optimum production in a detail region. This results in a change in the genetic makeup and improves productivity. Animals that are properly cross-bred make meliorate use of extra feed and improved direction. This is referred to as the efficiency of the animal.

Characteristics of a Brahman

Brahman cattle are known for their extreme tolerance to heat conditions. They are also more resistant to parasites and illness due to their oily peel, which may help repel insect pests. A Brahman cow is a good mother, offering protection and an affluence of milk for her calves. Brahman calves tend to take high weights at weaning because of the rich milk given by Brahman cows. The Brahman is ane of the virtually popular breeds of cattle intended for meat processing. Brahman cattle alive longer than many other breeds, often still producing calves at the historic period of 15 years and older.

Characteristics of a Bonsmara

The Bonsmara is functional, efficient and is well adapted to the extensive African climate. Bonsmaras are very fertile and breed pocket-sized calves for piece of cake calving. Bonsmaras are field of study to minimum growth standards and produce high quality meat. Bonsmaras have a calm temperament and are handled with ease. Bonsmaras are equally suitable for cross-breeding besides as pure cattle farming.

Characteristics of an Afrikaner

Perhaps one of the almost important characteristics of the Afrikaner is its suitability for cantankerous-convenance with exotic beefiness breeds. Another outstanding characteristic is the Afrikaner'southward resistance to most of the state's owned diseases, such as redwater, heartwater and gall sickness. The cattle are well adapted to veld conditions in the warm, arid and extensive grazing areas of the country, and react well to intensive feeding. The brusque, potent, shiny hair discourages tick attacks. Its meat is of high quality and tender, tasty and delicious.

Characteristics of a Simmentaler

The Simmentaler breed adapts easily to the most varied conditions. Simmentalers are bred all over the world for their high beef yields. The heavy muscling, length and overall size and weight of the animal are combined to produce a well fleshed carcass of solid red meat with a minimum of waste fatty. In crossbreeding, the Simmentaler has proved very successful. Information technology provides adept growth, a large frame and thus a better beefiness yield to its crossbred progeny. It improves the quality of the meat with white fatty and excellent marbling. It improves the milk yield, resulting in strong development of the calves in suckler herds.

Characteristics of Nguni cattle

Nguni cattle are known for their fertility and resistance to diseases. The cattle are heat tolerant. They take long productive lives and cows volition produce 10 or more than calves, calving regularly. The cows show great efficiency and often wean calves that weigh 45-fifty% of their torso mass. They develop excellent resistance to ticks and immunity to tickborne diseases. Disease incidence and mortality are depression. Nguni fatten well on natural grazing equally well as in the feedlot. The historical development of the Nguni has resulted in a breed with good temperament and mothering ability.


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